Week One – Travel
Color Packing Pictures to pack in a bag (a paper lunch sack works well). Print a Abraham Packs label saying, “Abraham packed and I can, too.”
Or give each child a picture of Moving Box and let them add Packing Items that they would move. If you are printing your own, use Avery Labels 5278 with this file.
Week Two – Sharing the Land
Copy scene of Abraham Shares the Land and let children color the paper and place sheep stickers on the scene.
Week Three – Sharing some Food
Give each child a scene of AbrahamSharesFood and give each child a half sheet of breadandmeatlabels. Give each child a small paper plate and some stickers of food items.
Week Four – Isaac is born
Print out Baby Isaac paper and let children color. Cut flannel squares and glue at the top of the image to be a blanket with which to play peek a boo.