Fermentation Fun

IMG_2305I started a batch of Indian spice flavored pickles a bit after Christmas. I put cauliflower and two kinds of carrots, regular orange ones and some beautiful red tinged ones, in my half-gallon fermenting jar. I added garlic, cardamon pods, cumin, and coriander. After a few days the brine turned a lovely shade of pink. By the end of the fermentation time. The carrots were all now orange and the cauliflower is pink! Not so sure that they look appetizing but they taste great.

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Right Before Thanksgiving

IMG_2171You would think this post might have something to do with turkey, but you would be wrong. Pork is the topic of the day.

I was able to attend a class on butchering on this Sunday before Thanksgiving. Chef Paul Buchanan of Primal Alchemy Catering taught us how to do seam butchering using pastured pork from Cook Pigs. We learned how take apart an entire side of pork using just a good, sharp knife.

I brought home the bacon, and the loin, tenderloin, hams, shoulder, feet, and all. At home I had to further break down the back leg, or ham, into smaller more manageable cuts for a home kitchen. All of the meat now resides in our new chest freezer in vacuum sealed packages.

Sausage making is still ahead on the schedule!
IMG_2178  IMG_2176  IMG_2184

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Gifts from the Kitchen

Master Food Preservers of Orange County are hosting a class featuring four projects that can be made using items found in the kitchen – more or less. The class will be held on Thursday, November 14th. There are two classes to choose from: 3pm-5pm or 6:30pm-8:30pm.
For more information about the class, see:
UCCE Master Food Preservers

Here is the handout from the class: GiftsClass.

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A Birthday Party

Late Summer brings with it a lot of birthdays – sister-in-law in late August and a girlfriend in early September – and the firstborn son in September, so we celebrated with several courses and pairings galore.

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a birthday dinner

august 31 is my sister-in-law’s birthday, and this sunday we celebrated with dishes tailored specifically to her tastes.

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