Swarming Day

We had some uninvited guests arrive yesterday afternoon. Don’t get me wrong, I love bees but not when they are swarming! Actually they won’t really hurt you when they are swarming it just seems scary. They decided to take up residence in a bush in the yard. They are about a foot off the ground so I worried that the chickens would get into them and both bees and birds would not like the result.

The bees would probably have left our yard on their own but we worried that if they moved to an unsuitable place that someone would just call an exterminator. So we decided to have the bees removed from the yard. We called Backyard Bees and they sent one of their beekeepers out to take away the swarm. They will rehive the bees and find them a new home. I would love to have kept them but they said that the bees would have probably left and gone back to the bush. If I really want bees they will have to bring me another hive with bees that have been removed from another location.

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